RTI Act, 2005 does not provide any specific Format for RTI Application . You can write RTI Application in any Format. For your convenient, We are providing simple sample RTI Application format .
The Public Information Officer
(Name of the Public Authority)
(Address of the Public Authority)
Sir / Madam:
Sub: Request for Information under the Right to Information Act, 2005
[if applicable] Kindly, provide me the following information:…………. (Mention the
information you want as specifically and clearly as possible and the period of time to which
the information pertains)
[if applicable] I request for receipt of the information in the following format(s) – true copy /
print out / diskette / floppy / tape / video cassettes / certified copies of documents or records
– in person / by post / by e-Mail.
[if applicable] I would like to inspect the following works / documents / records / take notes /
extracts….. (Mention clearly and specifically what is wanted for inspection). Kindly inform
me the date and time for my visit.
[if applicable] Kindly, provide me certified samples of material (Mention specifically and
clearly the material). I request for receipt of the certified samples (Describe) ………...
The details of fees paid by me are as follows (Specify)….….. /I belong to the
‘Below Poverty Line Category’ [if applicable, attach a photocopy of the proof]
and I am not required to pay any fees.
(Applicant’s signature/Thumb Impression)
Applicant’s Name:
Applicant’s Address:
Applicant’s Phone Number/e-Mail Address (optional):
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