Gayatri Mantra is a highly revered mantra from the Rig Veda (Mandala 3.62.10), dedicated to Savitr, the sun deity. Gayatri Mantra is the solution of every problem. There is nothing better than Gayatri in this Lok and Parlok. Gayatri Mantra has got special recognition in Hindu religion. It has also been certified by many researches that chanting of Gayatri Mantra has advantages, such as: Mental peace, glow on face, reception of happiness. Chanting the mantra is an expression of gratitude, to both the life-giving sun and the Divine Sun. Chaniting this Mantra helps to improve senses and anger gets less.Though this Mantras can be chant at any time in a day but according to the scriptures it should chant three times a day
Om bhur bhuvah svah
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.
The eternal, earth, air, heaven
That glory, that resplendence of the sun
May we contemplate the brilliance of that light
May the sun inspire our minds.
गायत्री मंत्र
ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
भर्गो देवस्यः धीमहि
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्
मंत्र के प्रत्येक शब्द की व्याख्या
गायत्री मंत्र के पहले नौ शब्द प्रभु के गुणों की व्याख्या करते हैं...
ॐ = प्रणव
भूर = मनुष्य को प्राण प्रदाण करने वाला
भुवः = दुख़ों का नाश करने वाला
स्वः = सुख़ प्रदाण करने वाला
तत = वह, सवितुर = सूर्य की भांति उज्जवल
वरेण्यं = सबसे उत्तम
भर्गो = कर्मों का उद्धार करने वाला
देवस्य = प्रभु
धीमहि = आत्म चिंतन के योग्य (ध्यान)
धियो = बुद्धि, यो = जो, नः = हमारी,
प्रचोदयात् = हमें शक्ति दें (प्रार्थना
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